Get Involved

There are many ways to be a part of the team.

Traditional Athletes train and compete in a variety of sports while building friendships and gaining confidence learning new skills.

In braving their attempts, they gain new experiences and become empowered by their accomplishments. As a result, they create lifelong bonds with fellow athletes, volunteers and people in their communities.

Coaches and team support play a crucial role in the Special Olympics movement by supporting our athletes and teams.

The ideal coach isn’t necessarily an all-star athlete. In fact, the requirements to be a Special Olympics coach are simple: have a big heart and enjoy having a good time.

If sports aren’t your forte, we still have a place for you. There are behind-the-scenes roles to make sure the team is successful.

This could mean helping with registration, updating social media accounts, organizing fundraising, or serving on the LSMT.

Unified Partners compete alongside traditional athletes, with opportunities to train and play together.

All Unified Partners who work with athletes need to be SOMN Level 1 certified volunteers. Not all sports offer Unified Partner events.